Friday, March 26, 2010

red tail boa care sheet

The only reason that I don't recommend red tail boas for beginners is because of there size keep in mind if you buy a red tail boa it will be at least 6ft but more likely 8-10ft and weigh at least 50lbs


temperature should range from 90-95degree Fahrenheit don't let the cool end drop below 70.


humidity should range from 50-60% 75% when shedding.

red tails are very active and a new borne should be housed in a 40 gallon tank they get huge and as adults should have at the very least a 120gallon tank I recommend aspin for these snakes 2 water boles and a hide.

boas are docile and tame and yet holding an adult boa alone is not easy and when it is over 7ft(and yes it will get that big) you should have someone help you hold it.


boas are not picky eaters at all and feeding frozen thawed food should be no problem. feed in a separate cage

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