Sunday, March 28, 2010

Snake Bite and Constriction Prevention

Fist thing you can do to prevent snake bite to look for the warnings they will give you saying they will bite or just that they don't want to be handled weather you chose to heed those warnings is up to you. the first thing the will do that says leave me alone is try to flee or curl up if that fails they may hiss if that fails they will strike the or four times these are generally warning strikes meaning that they will hit you with there mouth but will not stick there teeth in if this still fails they will deliver a final strike this means they will strike hit and sink there teeth in an hold there pressure if this happens do not pull back because there teeth curve backwards this will only injure you worse instead pinch there back jaws and lift up and out if they mistake you for prey they may bite as well as constrict the first thing to do is turn on a hot shower this will loosen the muscles never yous cold water this will tighten the muscles. and remember snakes bite for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only 1 they have mistaken you for food 2 they are in fear of there safety snakes DO NOT bite because they are mean so their fore if your snake bites you it's always your fault either you weren't very careful when you were feeding it or you ignore it's warnings.

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